"label" assignment operator for vectors, dendrogram, and hclust classes.

labels(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for default
labels(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for dendrogram
labels(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for hclust
labels(object, order = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for hclust
labels(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for phylo
labels(object, ...)

# S3 method for phylo
labels(object, ...) <- value


The functions here are based on code by Gavin and kohske from (adopted to dendrogram by Tal Galili): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4614223/how-to-have-the-following-work-labelsx-some-value-r-question Also with some ideas from Gregory Jefferis's dendroextras package.



a variable name (possibly quoted) who's label are to be updated


parameters passed (not currently in use)


a value to be assigned to object's label


default is FALSE. Only relevant for extracting labels from an hclust object (with labels.hclust). Setting order=TRUE will return labels in their order in the dendrogram, instead of the riginal labels order retained from object$labels - which ususally corresponding to the row or column names of the dist object provided to the hclust function.


The updated object



See also


Gavin Simpson, Tal Galili (with some ideas from Gregory Jefferis's dendroextras package)


x <- 1:3
#> [1] "1" "2" "3"
labels(x) <- letters[1:3]
labels(x) # [1] "a" "b" "c"
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"
#> a b c 
#> 1 2 3 
# a b c
# 1 2 3

# get("labels<-")

# Example for using the assignment with dendrogram and hclust objects:
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[1:3, ]), "ave")
dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)

labels(hc) # "Arizona" "Alabama" "Alaska"
#> [1] "Arizona" "Alabama" "Alaska" 
labels(hc) <- letters[1:3]
labels(hc) # "a" "b" "c"
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"
labels(dend) # "Arizona" "Alabama" "Alaska"
#> [1] "Arizona" "Alabama" "Alaska" 
labels(dend) <- letters[1:3]
labels(dend) # "a" "b" "c"
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"
suppressWarnings(labels(dend) <- LETTERS[1:2]) # will produce a warning
labels(dend) # "A" "B" "A"
#> [1] "A" "B" "A"
labels(dend) <- LETTERS[4:6] # will replace the labels correctly
# (the fact the tree had duplicate labels will not cause a problem)
labels(dend) # "D" "E" "F"
#> [1] "D" "E" "F"