This function reorganizes the internal structure of the tree to get the ladderized effect when plotted.

ladderize(x, right = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for dendrogram
ladderize(x, right = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for phylo
ladderize(x, right = TRUE, phy, ...)

# S3 method for dendlist
ladderize(x, right = TRUE, which, ...)



a tree object (either a dendrogram, dendlist, or phylo)


a logical (TRUE) specifying whether the smallest clade is on the right-hand side (when the tree is plotted upwards), or the opposite (if FALSE).


Currently ignored.


a placeholder in case the user uses "phy ="


an integer (can have any number of elements). It indicates the elements in the dendlist to ladderize. If missing, it will ladderize all the dendrograms in the dendlist.


A rotated tree object

See also

ladderize, rev.dendrogram, rotate (dendextend), rotate (ape)


dend <- USArrests[1:8, ] %>%
  dist() %>%
  hclust() %>%
  as.dendrogram() %>%
  set("labels_colors") %>%
  set("branches_k_color", k = 5)
dend <- shuffle(dend)

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
dend %>% plot(main = "Original")
dend %>%
  ladderize(TRUE) %>%
  plot(main = "Right (default)")
#> Error in oV(x, wts): argument "wts" is missing, with no default
dend %>%
  ladderize(FALSE) %>%
  plot(main = "Left (rev of right)")
#> Error in oV(x, wts): argument "wts" is missing, with no default