Given a tree and a k number of clusters, the tree is rotated so that the extra clusters added from k-1 to k clusters are flipped.

This is useful for finding good trees for a tanglegram.

all_couple_rotations_at_k(dend, k, dend_heights_per_k, ...)



a dendrogram object


integer scalar with the number of clusters the tree should be cut into.


a named vector that resulted from running heights_per_k.dendrogram. When running the function many times, supplying this object will help improve the running time if using the cutree.dendrogram method..


not used


A list with dendrogram objects with all the possible rotations for k clusters (beyond the k-1 clusters!).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
dend1 <- USArrests[1:5, ] %>%
  dist() %>%
  hclust() %>%
dend2 <- all_couple_rotations_at_k(dend1, k = 2)[[2]]
tanglegram(dend1, dend2)
entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 2) # 0.5

dend2 <- all_couple_rotations_at_k(dend1, k = 3)[[2]]
tanglegram(dend1, dend2)
entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 2) # 0.4

dend2 <- all_couple_rotations_at_k(dend1, k = 4)[[2]]
tanglegram(dend1, dend2)
entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 2) # 0.05
} # }