All functions |
Bk - Calculating Fowlkes-Mallows Index for two dendrogram |
Bk permutation - Calculating Fowlkes-Mallows Index for two dendrogram |
Bk plot - ploting the Fowlkes-Mallows Index of two dendrogram for various k's |
Tries to run DendSer on a dendrogram |
Calculating Fowlkes-Mallows Index |
Calculating Fowlkes-Mallows index in R |
Calculating Fowlkes-Mallows Index under H0 |
Global Comparison of two (or more) dendrograms |
Rotate tree branches for k |
Check if all the elements in a vector are unique |
Try to coerce something into a dendlist |
Convert a dendrogram into phylo |
Convert dendrogram Objects to Class hclust |
Populates dendextend functions into dendextend_options |
Assign values to edgePar of dendrogram's branches |
Assign values to edgePar of dendrogram's leaves |
Assign values to nodePar of dendrogram's leaves |
Assign values to nodePar of dendrogram's nodes |
Bakers Gamma for two k matrices |
Change col/lwd/lty of branches based on clusters |
Change col/lwd/lty of branches matching labels condition |
Change col/lwd/lty of branches from the root down to clusters defined by list of labels of respective members |
Plot a circlized dendrograms |
Interactively rotate a tree object |
Collapse branches under a tolerance level |
Collapse a sub dendrogram of adjacent labels within a dend |
Color tree's branches according to sub-clusters |
Color dend's labels according to sub-clusters |
Color unique labels in a dendrogram |
Add colored bars to a dendrogram |
Add colored dots beside a dendrogram |
Find clusters of common subtrees |
Correlation matrix between a list of trees. |
Correlation of FM_index for some k |
Baker's Gamma correlation coefficient |
Proportion of commong nodes between two trees |
Cophenetic correlation between two trees |
Counts the number of terminal nodes (merging 0 nodes!) |
Cut a dendrogram - and run a function on the output |
Cut a Tree (Dendrogram/hclust/phylo) into Groups of Data |
cutree for dendrogram (by 1 height only!) |
cutree for dendrogram (by 1 k value only!) |
Plots two trees side by side, highlighting edges unique to each tree in red. |
Functions for extending dendrogram objects |
Access to dendextend_options |
Creating a dendlist object from several dendrograms |
Find minimum/maximum depth of a dendrogram |
Topological Distances Between Two dendrograms |
Turns a dist object to a "long" table |
Finds distinct edges in one tree compared to another |
Duplicate a leaf X times |
Measures entanglement between two trees |
Turns a factor into a number |
Finds a "good" dendrogram for a dist |
Search for the sub-dendrogram structure composed of selected labels |
Find the (estimated) number of clusters for a dendrogram using average silhouette width |
Fix members attr in a dendrogram |
Flatten the branches of a dendrogram's root |
Flip leaves |
Get height attributes from a dendrogram |
Get height attributes from a dendrogram's children |
Get/set attributes of dendrogram's leaves |
Get an attribute of the branches of a dendrogram's leaves |
Get the colors of the branches of a dendrogram's leaves |
Get edgePar of dendrogram's leaves |
Get nodePar of dendrogram's leaves |
Get attributes of dendrogram's nodes |
Get the x-y coordinates of a dendrogram's nodes |
get attributes from the dendrogram's root(!) branches |
Extract a list of k subdendrograms from a given dendrogram object |
Creates dendrogram plot using ggplot. |
Hang dendrogram leaves |
Does a dendrogram has an edgePar/nodePar component? |
Which height will result in which k for a dendrogram |
Highlight a dendrogram's branches heights via color and line-width |
Highlight distint edges in a tree (compared to another one) |
Identify Clusters in a Dendrogram (not hclust) |
Intersect trees |
Check if numbers are natural |
Checks if the value is and empty list() |
Is the object of some class |
Microarray gene expression dataset from Khan et al., 2001. Subset of 306 genes. |
"label" assignment operator |
Retrieve/assign cex to the labels of a dendrogram |
Retrieve/assign colors to the labels of a dendrogram |
Ladderize a Tree |
Return the leaf Colors of a dendrogram |
Find lowest common branch were the two items are shared |
Adjust the order of one dendrogram based on another (using labels) |
Adjust the order of one dendrogram based on another (using order) |
Last Observation Carried Forward |
Counts the number of leaves in a tree |
Counts the number of nodes (Vertices) in a tree |
Find which nodes satisfies a condition |
order.dendrogram<- assignment operator |
Ordering of the Leaves in a hclust Dendrogram |
A list with labels for each subtree (edge) |
Plotting a left-tip-adjusted horizontal dendrogram |
Prunes a tree (using leaves' labels) |
Prune trees to their common subtrees |
Trims one leaf from a dendrogram |
Get Pvclust Edges Information |
The significant branches in a dendrogram, based on a pvclust object |
Significance gradient of branches in a dendrogram (via pvclust) |
Draw Rectangles Around a Dendrogram's Clusters with High/Low P-values |
Raise the height of a dendrogram tree |
Rank branches' heights |
Fix rank of leaves order values in a dendrogram |
Rank a vector based on clusters |
Draw Rectangles Around a Dendrogram's Clusters |
Reindexing a pruned dendrogram |
Remove all edgePar values from a dendrogram's branches |
Remove all nodePar values from a dendrogram's leaves |
Remove all nodePar values from a dendrogram's nodes |
recursivly apply a function on a list |
Rotate a tree object |
Rotates dend based on DendSer |
Sample a tree |
Rotates a dendrogram based on a seriation of a distance matrix |
Set (/update) features to a dendrogram |
Set/place new labels in a dendrogram |
Random rotation of trees |
Sorts two clusters vector by their names |
Sorts a distance matrix by rows and columns names |
Sort the values level in a vector |
Tanglegram plot |
Creates completely blank theme in ggplot |
unbranch trees |
unclass an entire dendrogram tree |
untangle dendrograms |
Tries to run DendSer on a dendrogram |
Untangle - random search |
Stepwise untangle one tree compared to another |
Stepwise untangle two trees one at a time |
Stepwise untangle two trees at the same time |
Which node is a leaf? |
Which node id is common to a group of labels |